Paul Molin

G-CFAT Quik GT-450 912S Flexwing
Henstridge Airfield (EGHS) October 2021

The photos below are of G-CFAT a Quik GT-450 912S Flexwing owned and operated by Andy Morris who very kindly took me up for my first ever flight experience in a Flexwing at Henstridge Airfield (EGHS) on Monday 25th October 2021.

Please visit Andys website to support him and to view his amazing aerial photography.

G-CFAT Technical Specifications

Wing Area: 13sqm
Wing Span: 9.25m
Max Straight & Level Flight: 100mph
Never Exceed Speed (VNE): 110mph
Trim Fast Cruise (max/min AUW): 55-75mph / 47-80mph)
Stall Speed: 38mph
Climb Rate At MAUW: 1250 ft min
Rate Of Descent At MAUW: 517ft min
Ultimate Strength: +6g / -3g

Empty Weight: 220kg
Maximum All Up Weight: 450kg
Maximuk Cockpit Load: 220kg
Individual Seat Load: 110kg
Overall Length: 3.7m

Rotax 912ULS (100hp)
Fuel Consumption: 13 Litres per hour
Fuel Capacity: 65 Litres

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